TCS Hyperion interview questions


1. What is the different between aggregate storage and block storage?
Ans: Following is the difference between Aggregate and block storage database-

Aggregate Storage
Block Storage
Aliases Supported Supported
Currency conversion Not supported Supported
Data mining Not supported Supported
Hybrid analysis Support with the following restriction: queries that contain a relational member and an Analytic Services member with a formula in the same query are not supported.
For example, if California is a relational member and the member Profit has a formula, the following report script returns an error:
! Supported
Linked reporting objects (LROs) Not supported Supported
Time balance reporting Not supported Supported
Triggers After-update triggers supported On-update triggers and after-update triggers supported
Unicode Not supported Supported
Variance reporting Not supported Supported

2. What is full cube build or partial cube build method?

3. Dense, sparse def? What is data block?
Ans: Sparse Dimension is dimension where the availability of data is less. e.g.- Product, Year, Scenario, Market.
In Dense Dimension the probability of finding data is high i.e. one or more data point is occupied in every combination of dimension. e.g.-measure, Year and scenario is also taken as a dense dimension.

4. What are the difference types of caches?

5. Tell me about lock and send method?

6. Some questions on security?