Hyperion interview questions


1.Draw the Essbase structure? Explain flow?

Ans: It’s a 3-tire architecture-

Client tire -------------------à Middle Tire -------------------à Analytic Services

(Admin Console & Excel Add-in) (Administrative services) (Essbase server)

1. How do u build outline?

Ans: There are many way to build the outline:

1- Manually

2- Through rule file

3- Through SQL script

2. What are the dimensions build methods?

Ans: The build method that you select determine the algorithm that analytic services user to add, change, or remove dimensions, members and aliases in the outline. The kind of build method that we select depends on the type of data in the data source.

There are multiple dimension build method-

1- Generation reference

2- Level Reference

3- Parent – child reference

4- Add as child of the specified parent

5- Add as sibling to a member with a matching string

6- Generation, level or parent-child references, depending on the organization of the source data.

3. What is the procedure to build the dimensions dynamically?

Ans: Through Rule file

4. What is the alias? What are the label only numbers?

Ans: Alias is the alternative name for a member.

5. What are intelligent calculations?

Ans: With Intelligent calculation on when a calculation is run Essbase flags blocks as ‘Clean’, and when data is loaded or changed blocks are flagged as ‘Dirty’. This helps reduce calculation time by allowing the essbase calculator to skip the blocks flagged as ‘clean’.

When we do a full calculation of a database, Analytic services tracks which data blocks it has calculated. Assume that we did a full calculation and then loaded a subset of data. By default intelligent calculation is turned ON.


1- Intelligent calculation does not apply to aggregate storage database.

2- It is important to notice that this is not done at the ‘cell’ level but instead it is done at the block level.

Syntax: Set updatecalc on/off

6. What are the calc scripts? How do u run that one? Write explain calc scripts? Why we use that calc script?


7. What is Excel addin?

Ans: Excel add-ins are 2 plug in. After adding these plug-in to excel we are able to view the essbase data in excel.

8. What is rule file? Some usages? Rule files explanation?

Ans: Rule file is used for dimension building and data loading purpose. In this we can define dynamic reference of dimension members, Alias, formula and attribute dimension etc. Extension of the rule file is *.rul.

9. How do u run the automation scripts?

Ans: Through batch script

10. What is the report script? How it’s Works?

Ans: Report script is used for to view the data in formatted order. We can export the output in text format and send it to user. The extension of the report script is *.rpt

11. Can we alter the outline dynamically when ever we want? How?

Ans: Yes, we can alter the outline dynamically whenever we want. But at the time of dimension building cube is not having data.

12. What is ESSCMD? write some commands?

Ans: ESSCMD is a command line interface of essbase. We can performs operations interactively or through a batch or script file.

e.g- LOGIN "localhost" "User1" "password" "Sample" "Basic";

LOADDATA 2 "calcdat";

IFERROR "Error";

CALC "Calc All;";

IFERROR "Error";

RUNREPT 2 "Myreport";

IFERROR "Error";

[possible other commands]


13. What are MaxL command?

Ans: Maxl data definition language is an interface for making administrative requests to analytic services using statements. For that we need Maxl shell(essmsh) or Maxl editor to create or execute the Maxl scripts. Through Maxl we can create user, security, group, roles, application and databases etc. We can do such kind of operation through Maxl. This is also used for admin purpose. The extension of the maxl script is *.msh.

e.g.- Create user, Create application, Alter database etc.

14. What is dif b/w ESSCMD & MaxL? Give two dif?

Ans: We can execute MaxL scripts on ESSCMD prompt.

15. What is executive viewer? What will it do?

Ans: I don’t know

16. Where the data will be stored in Essbase?

Ans: The data will be stored at zeroth level of the cube in essbase.

17. Write the commands for the intelligent calculations?

Ans: set updatecalc ON/OFF

18. What is an outline? What is dimension?

Ans: Database outline is defined as-

1- The structural relationship between members in the database.

2- Organizes all the data in the databases

3- Defines the consolidation and mathematical relationship between items.

Dimension- A dimension represent the highest level of consolidation level in the database outline. The database outline represent dimension and members in a tree structure to indicate a consolidation relationship.

Analytic services has two types of dimensions– Standard dimension and attribute dimension.

Standard Dimension- represent the core business of the core component of the business plan and often relate to departmental functions. Typical standard dimensions are Time, Accounts, Product Line, Market and Division.

Attribute Dimension- Are a special type of dimension that are associated with standard dimensions.


  1. Please If you know the answers please post here.if you have any questions let me know i will try to answer those questions.

    Thank you
    Koti Reddy

    1. how to load mar 2013 ending inventory in to apr 2014 opening inventory?

      if it is possible can you please let me know the solution else can u pls tell me suitable answer
