Unable to Obtain a Connection to Hyperion Essbase from Planning Application

when I try to open my data form, I am getting below error.

“Unable to obtain a connection to Hyperion Essbase. If this problem persists, please contact your administrator”


Edit the datasource via the Configuration Utility.
- Test the Essbase connection and make sure that the user used to make the connection is valid and has admin rights to Essbase.
- Restart the Hyperion Planning service once the Essbase user has been given the correct access rights.
- Login to the Essbase Administration Services (EAS) console and right click on the Essbase server name node -> Refresh security from Shared Services
- Expand the applications node (under the Essbase server name node) and check that there is an application with exactly the same name as the Planning application.
Note: Go to section 'manually recreating a Planning application in Hyperion Essbase, if the Planning application is missing in the above step.
- Login to the application in Hyperion Planning web.

Manually recreating a Planning application in Essbase:
- Login to the EAS console as admin (the Essbase user used by admin must have Essbase administrator rights)
- Go to Essbase servers -> your Essbase server name -> right click on applications -> Create application -> Using Block Storage and enter the exact Hyperion Planning Application name then click on ok.
Note: The above step will only create the application shell without the databases.
- Login to the application in Hyperion Planning web as admin and go to Administration menu -> Manage Database -> select database and filters (to create filter access to Essbase) and Refresh (refresh will also recreate the databases if they don't exist)



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  3. please explain two critical issues you faced and how you resolved in hyperion planning/essbase project
